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Islam and the Lefts War on Women Nonie Darwish Unmasks Their Covert Tactic Video

Nonie Darwish, an Egyptian Islam expert and convert to Christianity, delivered a powerful speech at the American Freedom Alliance, highlighting the intersection of leftist ideology, Islam, and the treatment of women. Addressing a diverse audience, Darwish highlighted the parallels between leftist propaganda and the tactics employed by Islamic regimes to maintain power.

Darwish opened her speech by emphasizing the reliance of both leftist and Islamic ideologies on propaganda and falsehoods to sustain their authority. Drawing comparisons between the oppressive nature of Islamic law and the tactics used by leftist regimes, Darwish shed light on the fragile foundations of systems built on deception and manipulation.


A central theme of Darwish’s address was the oppressive nature of Sharia law and its detrimental impact on women’s rights. She pointed out that despite migrating to Western countries, Muslims continue to demand the imposition of Sharia law, creating parallel legal systems within host nations. Darwish highlighted instances of honor killings within Western countries, questioning the true motives behind such atrocities and calling attention to the complicity of leftist groups in perpetuating these injustices.

Darwish also criticized the leftist narrative surrounding sexual harassment accusations, particularly in the context of American politics and former U.S. President Donald Trump. She accused Democrats of weaponizing sexual harassment allegations to target Republican figures, drawing parallels between historical instances, such as the Clarence Thomas hearings, and contemporary political maneuvering. Darwish argued that by exploiting women’s issues for political gain, leftist groups demonstrate contempt for women and their autonomy.

Furthermore, Darwish shared her experiences facing backlash for criticizing Sharia law, particularly on college campuses. She highlighted the hypocrisy of leftist feminists who, despite claiming to champion women’s rights, remain silent on the oppressive practices sanctioned by Islamic law. Darwish challenged the false notion that criticizing Sharia law equates to racism, emphasizing the importance of exposing the injustices faced by women under Islamic regimes.

Throughout her speech, Darwish emphasized the role of Western biblical values in safeguarding women’s rights and individual freedoms. She underscored the significance of upholding these values in the face of ideological threats posed by Islam and leftist extremism. Darwish urged the audience to reject the narrative of cultural relativism and to stand firm in defense of Western values and principles.

*At the same conference, where Nonie Darwish delivered her insightful speech, Stephen Coughlin’s presentation was also featured and posted by RAIR on March 21st.

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