Against Italy’s ongoing struggle with Islamic immigration and their lack of cultural assimilation, a new investigative report confronts the harrowing reality of “Violent Islam: The Mosques of Fear.”
This exposé from the Italian news program Fuori dal coro delves into the clandestine world of mosques scattered across Rome, where violent jihad and Sharia thrive and Islamic oppression against women spreads. With a spotlight on the Muslim migrants’ unwavering commitment to Sharia law and the alarming infiltration of terrorist cells, this investigation unveils the profound challenges facing Italian society.
Covering and Isolation of Women
For a Muslim person, it is the law that a woman must cover herself. She can’t show her face to another man. What is a woman supposed to do? She must stay at home all the time.
Exclusion of Women from Mosques
Our journey through the mosques of Rome begins in Tor Pignattara, in the eastern outskirts of Rome. Here, the most radical form of Islam lays down the law. Where are the women? I only see men. We couldn’t care less about women. In any mosque. Women can’t go to pray? Where do they pray? At home. —All day long? All day at home! Excuse me. I am taking off my shoes.
Gender Discrimination in Worship
What do you want? I would like to visit. May I come in? This place is for men only. Can women pray in here?
—No… no… Only men here?
—Here only men can pray, women can’t pray here. I am rejected because women can’t come in here. In this mosque, the extremists of Islam gather.
Enforcement of Dress Code for Women
Every time my wife goes out, I check on her all the time I make sure she’s covered.
— Fully.
Why does she cover herself?
—If she doesn’t, someone can see everything and say: “Gosh, how beautiful, how pretty she is.” But if she covers herself, nobody can see anything. “Women can’t even be looked at,” that’s what they say here, where radical Islam is prayed.
Illegal Activities in Mosques
But elsewhere, it is not any different. We move to another mosque on the southern outskirts of Rome. Look. According to the map, this is a mosque. Let’s go see what we will find. Here, there are people who are sleeping. More than ten Arabs are in a space of a few square meters. That’s how an illegal mosque became an illegal dormitory.
Punishment for Infidelity
And a few paces from here, listen to what these women tell us. If you have a husband and you cheat on him, does the Qur’an sanction this? In the Quran, it is written: “You will get the punishment.”
They will kill you, basically?
—It happens, sometimes. It is forbidden to cheat on your husband.
Extremist Ideologies and Militancy
We move to Primavalle, in the northern outskirts of Rome. Here, it’s the Tablighi Addawa who spread Quranic law. They are a sect of Islamic extremists known as the “Brothers of Muhammad.” The Tablighi are a fundamentalist movement who were driven out by many nations because they are considered dangerous. Are you Tablighi here?
—Yes, we are Tablighi. A sort of pilgrimage. We call for others to come and pray. To grow in number?
—Yes, yes, the Tablighi are a pilgrimage. The Tablighi live like the prophet; they are inspired by his day, and they are dressed like him. Their declared goal is to Islamize the West. For them, Rome is the starting point for the conquest of the Western world. To conquer and make people understand the meaning of religion. Of the Quran?
Danger of Extremism and Terrorism
It’s Saidawi Hamid, the Imam of the Tablighi of Rome, who will show us this mosque. Are you the Imam?
—Yes, I am a Tablighi.
—He accompanies us inside and talks to us. But be careful; the dangerousness of this extremist group must not be underestimated. They claim they have ties with Al-Qaeda, and the Taliban originated from them. Listen to what the Imam tells us.
—Would you die as a martyr?
Yes. —
When someone dies while trying to save their own homeland, Islam calls him “shahid.”
Shahid means that his death is something special. God saves his soul by taking it straight to Heaven. Is this what the Quran says?
—Yes, of course. Dying is something special; martyrdom is a possibility to take into consideration.
Terrorist Activities Uncovered
For this reason, among radicalized Islamic groups, real terrorist cells are often created. Like the one they just discovered in L’Aquila. Three Pakistanis have been arrested with the charge of “association for the purpose of international terrorism, or subversion of the democratic order.” They were already members of the “Brigade of Martyrs of Al-Qaeda.” They promoted, constituted, and funded a military operational structure called the “group of rapid response,” with the same purpose of committing acts of violence and terrorism.
Planning of Terrorist Acts
[From the terrorists’ wiretap transcripts] “You have the statement: this Brigade of Martyrs was launched recently. It deals with a suicide unit ready to act in-depth, and our action will be next.” They used to organize suicide attacks, possibly also in Italy. “Prepare something strong for Avnei.” “That would be great, or a car on the road like Hamzi.” “OK, next week you will receive the cameras to install on the rifle and on the caps, plus protective jackets, so every fight, every gunshot is filmed.”
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