A troubling Italian news report unveils a deepening crisis in Genoa due to Islamic immigration, demonstrating how escalating radicalism, exemplified by the arrest of migrant terrorist Faysal Rahaman, poses major cultural and security threats, and illustrates how the country is increasingly submitting large parts of its communities to Sharia law.
Genoa, Italy – A recent report aired on Italian media has shed light on the alarming presence of Islamic radicalism in Genoa, particularly focusing on the case of Faysal Rahaman, a 21-year-old Muslim Bengali man arrested on November 2023, on charges related to terrorism. The report, which delved into the details of Rahaman’s arrest and the radical religious environment surrounding him, has sparked nationwide concern over the spread of extremism due to Islamic immigration.
Rahaman is described as a follower of the terrorist organization known as Tehrik Taliban Pakistan, which has ties to Al Qaeda. He expressed his readiness for “jihadi martyrdom” and was apprehended by authorities after evidence surfaced linking him to plans for violent Islamic attacks. A reporter from Dal Coro, who gained access to Rahaman’s family home in Genoa, revealed chilling insights into his radicalization process and daily religious Islamic life.
At Rahaman’s residence in the neighborhood of Sestri Ponente, investigators and the reporter discovered disturbing evidence of his Islamic ideology. Faysal has been in Italy since 2018 and worked in the shipyards. He lived a life divided between work, mosque, and home. His online activities included watching and sharing Islamic content like videos of stonings and beheadings. He even recorded himself watching the 9/11 attacks. On Facebook, he openly declared his hatred for infidels and his desire to fight for Allah.
Rahaman’s Sharia-adherent father, who was interviewed in the news report, expressed denial regarding his son’s involvement in terrorism, claiming ignorance of any signs of radicalization despite the apartment being littered with jihad propaganda.
The reporter spoke with Faysal’s brother, who shared the same bedroom with him and exhibited troubling signs of his own radicalization. Despite this, the brother claimed to have no knowledge of his brother’s Islamic desires. When asked, ‘You didn’t notice that your brother was radicalizing? You didn’t notice anything? People whose throats were slit, men thrown from the top of buildings…’ the brother emphatically denied, saying, ‘No, no, no.'”
The report also highlighted broader Islamic issues within the Genoa community, indicating a pervasive atmosphere of radicalism and a complete loss of Italian culture. The journalist reported that in these alleys of the historic center, businesses managed by Italians have gradually disappeared. Instead, halal butcher’s shops, mosques, and Arab shops of all kinds line the streets, one next to the other. Moreover, women are no longer welcome in these areas.
One striking aspect highlighted in the report was the lack of safety for women in these Islamic-controlled areas. Not only are very few seen, but those who are must be covered when they leave their homes and enter these Islamic-controlled areas.
However, the most shocking part of the report came when the journalist spoke to an Italian police officer. When asked for directions to the Islamic cultural centers in the area, the officer advised that it is not appropriate for a woman to interview a Muslim man and that her news station should send a man. Furthermore, the officer warned her that “this is not even a safe area for a blonde woman. And be careful, be careful, we are inferior to them.”
When she asked the police officer if they had had problems with the Islamic community here, he replied, “They won’t talk to us police officers. So we employ men instead.” The reporter, troubled by the revelations, stated, “Even the local police have given up sending female officers here because they won’t talk to women. It’s our institutions that are bowing to radical Islam.”
Further on, the journalist spoke to an imam at a Mosque who explained that it is normal for Muslims to hate non-Muslims. He emphasized that he knows many of them, stating, “There are people who live radically. There are people who hate kafirs. They hate those who are not Muslims. For Muslims, kafirs are all those who do not believe in Allah.”
The revelations from the Italian media report underscore the need for Western countries to address the threat of Islamic immigration. The terrorist and his family are strict adherents to Islam. Many people prefer to bury their heads in the sand or look for ways to recast Islamic terror to fit their own political agenda. However, Muslims behind the violence are quite explicit about the religious certainty that compels their actions.
It is shown that, as far as Islamic terrorists are concerned, their acts are done explicitly in the name of Allah and for the cause of Islam and Islamic law across the globe. Faysal Rahaman, his family, and those in the community are quite explicit about the religious motives that compels their actions. However, despite their admissions and the evidence, Westerners refuse to believe them.
News Link: https://rairfoundation.com/italy-submits-sharia-only-male-police-officers-can/