Italy’s Left-wing media’s complicity in shielding Islam from scrutiny comes to light as a damning documentary unveils the systemic abuse endured by women within Muslim immigrant families, sparking outrage and demands for action.
NOVELLARA, Italy—A recent Italian investigative news report titled “Violent Islam: The Hidden Horrors on Women,” broadcast by Italian news station Mediaset, has shined a spotlight on the treatment of women within Italy’s Muslim immigrant community.
The documentary, hosted by journalist Eugenia Fiore, delves into several alarming cases in Novellara, a small town in the Reggio Emilia province. The town gained notoriety following the tragic murder (honor killing) of Saman Abbas, a young Pakistani girl murdered by her own Islamic family for adopting Western ways.
Throughout the report, Fiore uncovers the rigid controls imposed on women in the Islmaic migrant community, highlighting how the sharia-adherent women are segregated and mainly confined to their homes. In one segment, Fiore speaks with a woman who reveals that Muslim girls are restricted from socializing outside of school and are prohibited from going out alone.
A pivotal moment in the report involves the case of a Pakistani girl who was forced by her parents to marry a cousin, which led to her desperate escape. The parents, now under electronic surveillance, tried to claim to Fiore that they supported their children marrying as they wished, despite their criminal actions and threats to their daughter’s life suggesting otherwise.
The documentary also explores the controversial use of unlicensed mosques, like the one in Novellara, which has been flagged by the investigative program Fuori Dal Coro. Fiore’s discussions with community members reveal a strict and dangerous adherence to Islamic practices that prohibit women from participating in social activities, including dancing and socializing with men, under Islamic dictates.
In Padua, another city mentioned in the report, Fiore investigates a similar case where a young girl escaped her family and ran to hide in a tobacco shop to stop her family’s plans to marry her off in Pakistan. The 14-year-old’s courageous act of defiance underscores the ongoing challenges faced by women and girls in the Muslim community.
The documentary also touches on the story of Masuma from Bangladesh, another victim of Islamic familial abuse for not adhering to their demands. After enduring physical and mental abuse and an attempted forced marriage, Masuma is currently recovering in a psychiatric center, supported by her foster mother, Barbara, who details the horrific treatment Masuma endured at the hands of her Mulsim male relatives.
These harrowing stories paint a stark picture of life for many women in Italy’s Pakistani and broader Islamic communities, where Islamic cultural, religious, and legal practices clash with Western values of freedom and individual rights.
The release of “Violent Islam: The Hidden Horrors on Women” has sparked a broader debate on the threat Islam poses in Italy. It highlights the lack of integration and protection of females within Islamic communities in Italy. It calls into question how Western nations like Italy choose to allow dangerous Islamic illegals to continue to enter their countries.
Instead of the Italian government and left-wing media condemning Islam’s view on women, they will insist these situations are isolated. Italy goes to great lengths to protect its socialist and sanitized reconstruction of Islam created for Western consumption. The cost of covering for Islam continues to put Muslim women and all women in significant harm.
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