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EPIC UPDATE American Patriots Send More Than 213000 in Support to Fraternity Brothers Who Rescued Fallen American Flag From Pro Hamas Mob

On Wednesday morning,  The Gateway Pundit reported on the heroic University of North Carolina fraternity brothers who protected a fallen American flag from a pro-Hamas mob despite a violent onslaught from the radicals.

Now, their fellow Americans have made sure they know how much support they have behind them!

A GoFundMe started by John Noonan,’Pi Kappa Phi Men Defended their Flag. Throw ’em a Rager’ has raised over $213,000 for the brothers.

Noonan’s description of the day’s heroism is epic:
**Update: We are overwhelmed by you glorious, Patriotic Americans who value good beer and great times. We are in contact with multiple leaders from fraternities whose members helped defend the flag, including Alpha Epsilon Pi and others, in addition to Pi Kappa Psi. Our gratitude goes to all of them and we will update supporters on what comes next.**
Commie losers across the country have invaded college campuses to make dumb demands of weak University Administrators.
But amidst the chaos, the screaming, the anti-semitism, the hatred of faith and flag, stood a platoon of American heroes. Armored in Vineyard Vines and Patagonia, fueled by Zyn and White Claws, these triumphant Brohemians protected Old Glory from the unwashed Marxist horde — laughing at their shrieks and wails and shielding the Stars & Stripes from Soviet missiles.
These boys… no, men, of the UNC Chapel Hill Pi Kappa Phi, gave the best to America and now they deserve the best.
Help us raise funds to throw this frat the party they deserve, a party worth of the boat-shoed Broleteriat who did their country proud.
The melee started after police confirmed approximately 30 anti-Israel demonstrators were detained for refusing to leave an encampment erected on campus, and Students for Justice in Palestine organized a walkout in protest.

According to KVIA News, during the walkout, protesters tore down barricades and took down the American flag situated on the quad, and a Palestinian flag was raised in its place.

The American flag was flying at half-mast to honor the police officers tragically killed in Charlotte earlier this week.

Chancellor Roberts personally returned with police to replace the American flag while protestors threw bottles, rocks, and water at them and yelled obscenities.

In a rare show of leadership from a college administrator, Roberts faced down shrieking protesters saying, “This university doesn’t belong to a small group of protestors. It belongs to every citizen of North Carolina.”


When the protestors attempted to remove the flag again, the fraternity brothers stepped up to protect it while they sang the National Anthem.

They made sure the flag never touched the ground despite the barrage of objects thrown at them and the violent rhetoric shouted at them by the unhinged activists.

UNC student Guillermo Estrada shared what happened.

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