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 Weaponized Islam Muslim Attacks Church and Silence Man Puts Bacon on Mosque Doorknob Dies in Prison Video

“Kevin Crehan was jailed and led to his death for putting bacon on a mosque. Will this vile woman throwing rocks at a church in Bradford yesterday be jailed? I won’t hold my breath!” remarked British journalist Tommy Robinson, highlighting the stark double standard in legal responses.

In a disturbing attack on Christians and Christianity yesterday in Bradford, a city in West Yorkshire, England, a Muslim woman was filmed throwing rocks at a church and a large statue of the Virgin Mary. This incident occurred in an area where the Islamic population comprises approximately 30% of the community. Despite the violent anti-Christian act, both the media and legal responses have been notably muted.

“Imagine the uproar if it was Christians throwing rocks at a mosque?” stated Tommy Robinson, a prominent British journalist. “MPs and the media would be all over it screaming ‘Islamophobia.'”

The incident has sparked comparisons to a past case involving 35-year-old Kevin Crehan, who was incarcerated and ultimately killed in prison after placing a strip of bacon, a non-violent act, on a mosque doorknob and a bacon sandwich on the steps to the mosque. Robinson highlighted this discrepancy, questioning whether the woman involved in the church incident would face similar legal consequences.

“It’s a glaring double standard,” remarked Robinson. “Kevin Crehan was jailed, and his actions were heavily publicized.” Yet, when a Muslim wearing a sharia-adherent hijab hurls rocks at a church, there’s a conspicuous silence from both the media and the legal system. Will she face the same fate and be jailed, questioned Robinson? “I won’t hold my breath,” he stated.

The absence of an immediate response from authorities has drawn attention to the perceived two-tier policing system in the UK. Additionally, the media and the country’s left-wing leaders often downplay instances of hatred directed by Muslims towards Christians, treating them as isolated incidents rather than addressing the deeper issue rooted in Islamic texts and teachings of Prophet Muhammad. Islam holds no respect for the Jesus depicted in the Bible, the Christian faith, or its adherents. Instead, it exhibits hostility toward all three.

For example, the Quran explicitly labels Christians as blasphemers (5:17, 5:72), accusing them of inventing lies about Allah (10:68-69) — a crime deemed the worst. The consequences, according to the Quran, are severe: Christians will suffer in Hell. As they endure torment, good Muslims, including Jesus, are envisioned to mock them, asking, “Where is their Lord?” (22:19-22). This isn’t theological disagreement; it’s a disturbing yet clear depiction of scorn and derision towards Christians, which has grim consequences in this life as well, particularly evident in the treatment of Christians in lands ruled by Islamic law.

Troubling and threatening Qur’anic verses about Christians include:

  • Christians are told that Jesus is only a messenger of Allah, not his Son (Qur’an 4:171).
  • Allah did not have a son; he had no need of one (Qur’an 19:35).
  • Christians are wrong — Jesus was not crucified (Qur’an 4:157).
  • Those who believe in the divinity of Christ are “disbelievers” (Qur’an 5:17).
  • Christians “forgot a good part” of the divine revelations they received (Qur’an 5:14).
  • Those who believe that Jesus is God’s Son are accursed (Qur’an 9:30).
  • Christians who do not become Muslims “are the most vile of created beings” (Qur’an 98:6).
  • Muslims must fight against and subjugate Christians (Qur’an 9:29).
  • The uncompromising Islamic doctrine concerning Christians includes hostility (“take them not as friends”), contempt and hatred (they are “the most vile of creatures”), and jihad (“fight those who believe not in Allah,” “strike terror” in their hearts).

The troubling and threatening Qur’anic verses about Christians underscore the uncompromising stance of Islam, fostering hostility, contempt, and a call to subjugation. As consistently upheld by Islam, the enduring objective is the pursuit of absolute global hegemony—a planetary manifestation of Islamic destiny.

Instead of the government and left-wing media condemning Islam’s view on Christianity and Christians themselves, they will go to great lengths to protect its socialist and sanitized reconstruction of Islam created for Western consumption. This depiction of Islam is equivalent to a weapon against Western peoples as they cannot speak the truth about Islam nor defend themselves against the ideology that motivates jihad in all its forms. The cost of covering for Islam continues to put Christians and all non-Muslims in danger.

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