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Police Clear Out Illegal Encampment at UCLA Hundreds of Protesters Arrested Muslims Gather on Campus for Islamic Prayer

Police cleaned out the illegal UCLA anti-Israel encampment early Thursday morning on the UCLA campus.

Hundreds of pro-Gaza extremists were gathered at the campus to clear it out.

FOX News reported on the overnight clean-up operation at UCLA

Police removed barricades and began to detain some protesters at the anti-Israel encampment on UCLA’s campus Thursday morning.

Hundreds of officers moved in on the encampment from both sides of Royce Hall after a standoff overnight as police gathered in preparation for the raid, which comes amid a nationwide movement calling on college and universities to divest from Israel. Local FOX affiliate KTTV reported that officers met heavy resistance as they approached the camp.

Protesters attempted to resist by shining bright flashlights into the eyes of officers, KTTV reported. Several people were seen being detained by police and hauled away with their hands zip-tied behind their backs.

It is unclear how many people have been detained.

Hundreds gathered on campus this week to pray to Allah in a show of force. Women were kept off to the side, of course.


More video from the UCLA pro-Gaza camp.


Here is the agenda.

What is this? Look at the construction by the protesters.

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