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Virginia State Police in Full Riot Gear Pepper Spray and Tackle Pro Hamas Agitators at Tantrum Encampment VIDEO

Pro-Hamas agitators at UVA were petulant when police arrived to remove their tantrum encampment.

As police entered the area, the protestors taunted police as they hysterically shrieked, “UPD, KKK, IDF, you’re all the same,” likening the police to the Ku Klux Klan and Israel Defense Forces.

Virginia State Police were dispatched to campus to remove the Hamas cheerleaders from their encampment, which, according to University officials, violates school policy.

When the agitators refused to dismantle tents and leave, officers in full riot gear began spraying pepper spray.

Although reports at first suggested tear gas was used, Virginia State Police said, NO law enforcement in Virginia have or deploy tear gas, by its defined chemical composition.”

According to University officials, the encampment is in violation of a policy. While officials expressed support for peaceful protests on the UVA campus, they do not allow setting up tents and prohibit the use of electronically amplified sound, which includes electric megaphones.

The nasty chants can be clearly heard coming from a banned megaphone.

UVA officials said in a statement on Tuesday, “UVA has seen an increase in peaceful expressive activity on our Grounds this year in response to the ongoing Middle East conflict. As an institution committed to free expression and the open exchange of ideas, we strive to ensure these activities can take place safely, and in a manner that permits all parties to make their voices heard.”

“The University is prohibited by the Constitution and our own values from restricting speech based on its content, even in cases where the content is hurtful or offensive,” the school said. “We do, however, enforce reasonable restrictions on the time, place, and manner of expressive activities, so as to assure the safety of our community and to avoid disruption to University life or the rights of others. As we become aware of planned expressive activities, University officials engage with organizers to inform them of these policies.”

The policy regarding tents specifically states:

Although students are whining and whinging about “a sudden change” in the policy, Daily Progress reporter Jason Armesto reports that the ban on tents has been communicated to students dozens of times over the past few days and “Chief Longo and student affairs have both communicated it to protestors, ‘In any interaction with folks down there this has come up.'”

State troopers were called in to deal with the unhinged mob.

The screaming shrews who would not comply were hauled off by police.

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