In 2015, as the Syrian civil war triggered a refugee crisis in the Middle East, wealthy Gulf states, including the Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Qatar, chose to seal themselves off from refugees, fearing the infiltration of Muslims and terrorists through refugee corridors and permanent admission, a decision heavily criticized at the time but now recognized as justified by critics in both the Arab and Western worlds.
The recurrence of Islamic supremacists holding demonstrations in Germany is finally raising some concern from mainstream media and left-wing politicians. Following the recent Islamic demonstration in Hamburg, the Foreign Minister of the United Arab Emirates has mocked Germany for not heeding his warnings about the threat Islam would pose. Since the migration crisis in 2015, the Gulf states have increasingly isolated themselves. Many Arab nations have long resisted accepting refugees from within their own region. Western countries, however, seem to have learned nothing from the Arab countries’ rejection of refugees to preserve their countries and protect citizens. Instead, they have flooded their countries with people who want to kill them.
Calls for a Caiphate in Germany
Last Saturday, shocking scenes unfolded in Hamburg, capturing the entire nation’s attention. Thousands of Muslims participated in a demonstration, brandishing signs advocating for an Islamic caliphate. The crowd fervently echoed chants of the Islamic battle cry, “Allahu Akbar,” while hundreds offered the Islamic salute. Sharia-adherent females, fully veiled as in Islamic states and terrorist organizations, remained segregated from the men.
The demonstration was orchestrated by the terror-tied Muslim Interaktiv group, which is a successor organization to the Islamic terror group “Hizb ut-Tahrir” (HuT), which has been banned since 2003. Germany’s controversial Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution claims to be “closely monitoring” this movement, which advocates for the establishment of a caliphate governed by Sharia law. Mobilizing the Umma (the global Muslim community) to establish their Islamic Civilization is their admitted goal.
The rhetoric during the march included open threats toward Germany, with speakers warning of consequences for politicians and the media once “the sleeping giant awakens.”
Emirates minister mocks Germany’s migration failure.
However, the shockwaves were not confined to Germany alone. Many Arab nations now view Western European states, such as Germany, with disbelief as they grapple with the consequences of uncontrolled mass migration since 2015 due to their left-wing open-border immigration policies.
As early as 2017, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates, Abdullah bin Zayid Al Nahyan, had forecasted a surge in Islamic radicalization across Europe. He criticized Europe’s tendency towards political correctness, arguing that it presumed a better understanding of the Middle East and Islam than the Arab world possessed.
The UAE Foreign Minister is now mocking Germany after the Islamic demonstration. He posted above the following video of himself from 2017, “I told you so,” after witnessing videos of the Islamic demonstrations broadcast on social media.
The Muslim Brotherhood (MB), the most influential Islamist movement globally, was created by Hassan Al Banna in 1928, and was headquartered in Egypt for its entire history until very recently. Hamas in the Gaza Strip, in turn, has close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood movement, which endure to this day.
I told you so
— عبدالله بن زايد (@ABZayed) April 28, 2024
Also, in response to the Hamburg demonstration, the UAE ambassador to Germany expressed horror, deeming it “unbelievable, unacceptable, and incomprehensible” that individuals who found refuge in Germany would turn against their host nation. He attributed this phenomenon to political Islam.
Unglaublich, inakzeptabel und unverständlich, wie sich Menschen, die in Deutschland eine Heimat gefunden haben, gegen Deutschland wenden. Aber das ist typisch für politische Islamisten.
— Ahmed Alattar (@VAEAMBDE) April 28, 2024
Gulf states reject refugees.
In 2015, during the onset of a refugee crisis in the Middle East triggered by the Syrian civil war, it was notable the Gulf states in the Arab region opted to close their doors to refugees. This decision came despite their status as some of the wealthiest nations globally, including the Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Qatar.
Their rationale stemmed from a deep-seated rational fear of inadvertently allowing Islamic extremists and terrorists into their territories through refugee influxes and permanent resettlement programs. Consequently, they chose to prioritize security concerns over humanitarian aid.
Back then, the Gulf states faced substantial domestic and international criticism, particularly from within the Arab world and Western nations. However, with the benefit of hindsight, critics now acknowledge the validity of their apprehensions.
But the fear did not revolve exclusively around Islamic and terrorists when the Emirati Abdullah bin Zayed spoke of Europe believing, in its political correctness, that it “knows the Middle East and Islam better than WE do”. By “WE” he meant: ‘We Arabs and Muslims’. The Gulf states were also concerned that they did not want to import political-Islamic ideologies, radical mentalities, and certain forms of crime through uncontrolled migration flows.
Mass Islamic migrations equate to crime and danger
The bitter fact is that Europe has dramatically changed since the uncontrolled mass migration that began in 2015. Among others are France, Italy, Belgium, Sweden, Netherlands, Austria, and Germany. Foreign crime is increasing enormously in these countries – and the trend continues to rise.
There are new crime phenomena in European countries brought on by Islamic immigration, such as brutal acts with a knife, a machete, or even a sword. Women are being pushed out of public spaces due to increasing violent crime and sexual assault. Clan crime and gang wars are growing in cities. More and more parallel societies with Sharia mentalities are forming. Both the dangerous ideology of political Islam and extremist Islam continue to spread.
Egypt is expanding the wall because of Gaza refugees.
The Gulf states are not alone in sealing themselves off from refugees from the Arab world. Since Hamas began a war against Israel with the terrorist attacks on October 7, 2023, Egypt has been arming its borders even more. This intensified militarization is driven by the Egyptian government’s determination to prevent any possibility of a mass influx or breach of its highly fortified border by Palestinians. Egypt is an Arab country, the majority of which are Sunni Muslims.
Muslim Brotherhood and Egypt
Another reason Egypt is expanding its wall is to prevent the scenario in which a mass rush and a breach of the highly secured border with Egypt by Palestinians occurs, stemming from Egypt’s long history with the ideology of political Islam. The Muslim Brotherhood (MB), the most influential Islamic movement globally, was created by Hassan Al Banna in 1928 and was headquartered in Egypt for its entire history until very recently. Hamas in the Gaza Strip, in turn, has close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood movement, which endures to this day.
Egypt is adamant about not allowing this extremist ideology to gain further ground within its borders. In 2012, the Muslim Brotherhood legally ascended to power in Egypt through elections after the Arab Spring. However, following a disastrous tenure under Islamic President Mohammed Morsi, who was overthrown by the military on July 3, 2013, Egypt witnessed severe unrest and violence, resulting in thousands of casualties. This event is regarded as one of the deadliest episodes in Egypt’s history. As a result, Egypt has taken decisive measures to counter the influence of political Islam within its territory, including fortifying its borders to prevent any potential threats emanating from the Gaza Strip.
The trauma of these experiences continues to shape Egypt’s policies and attitudes towards Islamic movements and refugees, while the West seemed to learn nothing from them.
Suicidal Western Nations
While Islamic countries fortified their borders and took measures to protect themselves from the havoc wrought by refugees in Europe, Western nations ignored their warnings. Now, as conflicts like the war between Hamas and Israel escalate, Western leaders like U.S. President Joe Biden are contemplating opening their borders to Palestinian refugees, which will allow individuals who supported and voted for Islamic terror organizations like Hamas to come to power. This move raises massive security concerns about the importation of jihadis and the threats they pose to Americans.
Instead of learning from the example set by Gulf nations and Arab states, left-wing politicians, organizations, and individuals in Western countries advocate for open border policies that will further destabilize their nations.
As the debate rages on, many are once again pointing out how the left is trying to use migrants to dilute host cultures and secure more votes for their candidates in a bid for more power. What they do not seem to realize is that these migrants they are importing, as we see in Germany, are looking to conquer their nations and make them Islamic.
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