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New Survey 85 of Europeans Want Tougher Action on Illegal Migration

A recent survey by BVA Xsight for ARTE Europe Weekly reveals key insights into Europeans’ views on various issues ahead of the European elections. This large-scale study, conducted between March 27 and April 4, 2024, involved 22,726 Europeans from all 27 EU member states. The results highlight significant concerns and opinions on immigration, economic conditions, health, war, and “climate change.”

Key Findings on Immigration:

  • General Sentiment:
    • 71% of Europeans believe their country takes in too many migrants.
    • 85% think the EU needs to take stronger action against irregular migration.
    • Only 39% believe Europe needs immigration today.
    • 53% see immigration as a problem.
  • Countries with Highest Concern Over Immigration:
    • 🇬🇷 Greece: 90%
    • 🇨🇾 Cyprus: 84%
    • 🇮🇪 Ireland: 78%
    • 🇩🇪 Germany: 77%
    • 🇦🇹 Austria: 77%
    • 🇧🇬 Bulgaria: 76%
    • 🇵🇱 Poland: 75%
    • 🇮🇹 Italy: 74%
    • 🇧🇪 Belgium: 73%
    • 🇨🇿 Czechia: 72%
    • 🇪🇸 Spain: 70%
    • 🇫🇷 France: 70%
    • 🇸🇪 Sweden: 70%
    • 🇫🇮 Finland: 68%
    • 🇪🇪 Estonia: 68%
    • 🇱🇹 Lithuania: 63%
    • 🇱🇻 Latvia: 61%
    • 🇵🇹 Portugal: 57%
    • 🇸🇰 Slovakia: 57%
    • 🇩🇰 Denmark: 57%
    • 🇷🇴 Romania: 57%

Despite having the highest number of irregular arrivals last year (157,652), only 14% of Italians considered immigration the main problem. In Greece, 90% believe their country takes in too many migrants.

Additional Immigration Statistics:

Here are some additional immigration-related statistics from the survey that were not included in the original article:

  • Support for Immigration Quotas:
    • 74% of Europeans favor the implementation of immigration quotas.
    • In France, support for immigration quotas is slightly higher at 76%.
  • Views on Legal vs. Illegal Immigration:
    • While 85% are concerned about irregular migration, there is still significant support for managed, legal immigration, especially in countries with labor shortages.
  • Perception of Immigrants’ Impact on Society:
    • 53% of Europeans view immigration as a problem in general.
    • However, there is a nuanced view where some recognize the economic contributions of immigrants but are concerned about cultural and social integration.

Broader European Concerns:

  • Health: The primary concern for Europeans, with 41% ranking it as the top issue.
  • War in Ukraine: 38% consider it a major concern.
  • Environment and Inflation: Both tied at 24%.

Unique National Priorities:

  • France: Focus on purchasing power (40%).
  • Poland: Security is the top priority.
  • Ireland: Housing is the primary concern.
  • Spain: Unemployment worries are prevalent.

European Sentiment Towards the EU:

  • Economic Outlook:
    • 73% are optimistic about their personal future.
    • 57% believe the EU’s economic situation has worsened.
    • 63% think their own country’s economy has declined.
    • 75% of French respondents believe their country’s economic situation has worsened.
  • EU Influence:
    • Only 33% feel EU decisions positively impact their lives.
    • In Portugal, 51% see the EU as beneficial, the highest among member states.
    • Only 21% of French people believe that EU decisions positively impact their lives.
  • National vs. European Priorities:
    • Countries like Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, and Latvia prioritize national needs over European ones.

Fear of War and Defense Concerns:

  • Imminent War: 62% fear a war with Russia, particularly in countries near Russia like Poland and the Baltic States.
  • Military Resources: Only 30% believe Europe has adequate military resources to respond to a potential attack.
  • Support for Ukraine: 61% favor strengthening support for Ukraine, yet 63% advocate for negotiating a ceasefire.
  • EU Membership for Ukraine: 63% support Ukraine joining the EU, with the most resistance coming from Hungary, the Czech Republic, Austria, and Bulgaria.

Climate Change Narrative:

  • Importance: 82% of Europeans view climate change as a significant issue.
  • Priority: 43% prioritize the fight against global warming, especially in southern Europe.
  • Government Actions: Measures like reducing pesticides (60%) and investing in public transportation (57%) are well-supported.
  • Individual Actions: Measures requiring personal behavior changes, like higher taxes to reduce vehicle use, are less popular, supported by only 21%.

European Elections:

  • Interest Levels: 70% of Europeans are interested in the upcoming European elections on June 9, but only 52% of people in France and Belgium share this interest.


As the European elections approach, the survey highlights a continent grappling with various issues, from immigration and economic concerns to health, security, and climate change. The findings reflect a divided Europe, with varying priorities and perspectives shaping the future political landscape. This survey highlights Europeans’ complex and often conflicting views as they prepare to vote in the elections to the European Parliament.

Download the report here

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