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Bodies of Three Israeli Hostages Found in Rafah Including Body of 28 Year Old Amit Buskila Who Was Kidnapped at the Nova Youth Music Festival Truly Barbaric HEARTBREAKING VIDEO

Israeli forces found the remains of three October 7 Israeli hostages on Friday.

The body of 28-year-old fashion stylist was identified by her family. She was kidnapped at the Nova music festival. Hamas terrorists targeted the music festival knowing thousands of young Israelis would be in attendance. The Palestinian terrorists killed over 300 innocents and kidnapped another 100 Jews at the music festival.

This recording of Amit Buskila will break your heart.

This was the last her family heard from her.

She was 28.

Her body alongside the body of Shani Louk and Itzik Gelerenter have been recovered today by IDF forces in Gaza.

Look at this beauty.

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