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Ottawa City Hall Israel Flag Raising Brings Out Hostile Demonstrations Video

After extensive deliberation and several plan changes on May 14, Ottawa City Hall decided to raise the Israeli Flag on its grounds and hold a small ceremony in honor of Israel’s Independence Day.

Due to threats of Islamic-leftist violence, Mayor Mark Sutcliffe of Ottawa initially decided to cancel the ceremony and postpone the flag-raising to an undetermined time on May 14. However, after receiving a few emails from Ottawa residents, he ultimately opted to proceed with the ceremony as an invite-only event.

As CTV reported on May 14:

“Last week, the City of Ottawa said the flag would fly at City Hall on May 14, as it has every year since 2007, but a public ceremony was canceled because of unspecified security concerns. The decision prompted backlash and disappointment from federal and provincial politicians and Jewish community groups.”

As anticipated, the Muslim-Communist anti-Israel demonstrators gathered in large numbers on the lawn of City Hall, while many supporters of Israel attended within a fenced-off area under heavy police protection.

Below is a brief interview with a woman who explains her reasons for supporting Israel. She also provides insights into Israel’s recent history and offers evidence to support her claims.


One of these is a coin she wears around her neck, which is from the time of the British Mandate. It has the nature of the state written in Hebrew and Arabic and contains the letters signifying Ha’aretz Israel, which means Land of Israel.

She also points out that the flag of Palestine was, in fact, blue and white and had a star of David. The one below is from 1927.

The chants from the anti-Israel crowd were loud and drowned out the music, dance, and celebratory nature of the pro-Israel people who had gathered to show support.

One of the new rhetorical devices of the anti-Israel crowd is the claim in the chants and some of the signs, “Yes to Judaism, no to Zionism.” One might question the genuineness of this chant by examining the Hamas charter and statements by contemporary Hamas leaders. An organization that this group vehemently supports.

The Hamas charter explicitly calls for the elimination of Israel.

In its charter, Hamas makes it clear that it remains faithful to the words of the founder of Islam, Mohammed, who was quoted as saying: “The Day of Judgement will not come until Muslims fight the Jews when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O’ Muslims, O Abdullah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him.” (Article 7 of the Hamas Charter)

Article 13 of the charter emphasizes the importance of Jihad: “There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals, and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors.”

Below are some of the chants and signs of the Hamas supporting group:


The text of the 1988 Hamas Covenant can be read here and contains pretty clear statements about Islam, its role in governance, which is to say absolute (Articles 2-6), the role of women to be makers of men (article 17) and the tolerance for all non-Islamic forms of influence. Which is to say none. (articles 11, 12, 13, 15, 27, and others but less direct)

Curiously, article 29 is missing from the link above. It goes from article 28 directly to article 30.

Article 29 appears to read thusly:

“The Jews are also presented as worthy of only humiliation and lives of misery. That is because, according to the charter, they angered Allah, rejected the Qur’an, and killed the prophets (the relevant Qur’an verse from Surah Aal-‘Imran is quoted at the beginning of the charter).

The document also includes anti-Semitic myths taken from The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (mentioned in Article 32) regarding Jewish control of the media, the film industry, and education (Articles 17 and 22). The myths are constantly repeated to represent the Jews as responsible for the French and Russian revolutions and for all world and local wars: “No war takes place anywhere without the Jews’ being behind it” (Article 22). The charter demonizes the Jews and describes them as brutally behaving like Nazis toward women and children (Article 29).”

Even the Wikipedia page appears not to have article 29 listed.

Yet, as we see. the evidence of an Islamic Israel before the creation of the modern nation-state of Israel is not out there.

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