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Islams Call for Americas Demise The Grim Truth Behind Multiculturalism

Muslims demanded an end to “the cancer that is” America, liberty, and secularism, insisting that Islam should be the governing principle, during a sermon at the University of Illinois Chicago on May 3, 2024.

"America is the Cancer!
America, Secularism, Democracy, Capitalism are cancers"
"Islam is the answer"

Students at the University of Illinois Chicago speak at a Friday sermon

— Hamas Atrocities (@HamasAtrocities) June 14, 2024

Multiculturalism was inevitably going to lead to the end of all cultures except the most belligerent. Forced tolerance was always going to create an environment for the most intolerant.

A republic stripped of freedom of speech to criticize political and religious authority will inevitably give way to a degraded ‘democracy’ tantamount to mob rule by the most vicious.

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