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Germany Islamic Supremacists and Antifa Violently Disrupt Memorial for Policeman Killed in Jihad Terror Attack Video

“Every day, women and men are no longer safe on German streets because the government allows offenders [Afgani Migrant] like the one here in Mannheim to enter our country regularly, leading to more stabbings and violence.”

Mannheim, Germany – A chilling Islamic terror attack unfolded in Mannheim recently when Michael Stürzenberger and several others were stabbed by an Afghan jihadi, highlighting the relentless Islamic attacks faced by non-Muslims in Germany. The youth wing of the conservative Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) party, known as the Junge Alternative, organized a memorial at the attack site to honor the victims, including a police officer who later succumbed to his injuries. However, the sad event was marred by a radical left-wing counter-demonstration orchestrated by Antifa and supported by the local Green Party.


The memorial began with the lighting of candles and heartfelt tributes to those wounded in the brutal knife terror attack. Participants gathered to remember the officer, support the other victims who were injured, and condemn the violence. The atmosphere was tense, filled with a sense of urgency to address the recurring threats faced by non-Muslims, critics of Islam, and opponents of open border policies. The goal was to advocate for changes to the dangerous immigration policies that put citizens’ lives at risk.

Tragically, the memorial was disrupted by a radical counter-demonstration organized by a coalition led by Gerhard Fontanier, a prominent left-wing Mannheim Green Party member. This group, with the backing of government-funded Antifa, aggressively and violently opposed the commemoration, attempting to assault the participants. The radicals employed pyrotechnics and smoke bombs, escalating the situation and necessitating a large-scale police intervention. Streetcars were positioned strategically to prevent further attacks on the memorial attendees.

A spokesperson for the Junge Alternative expressed shock at the violence, stating, “To be honest, there are no words that in 2024, something like this is possible here.” The spokesperson highlighted the broader issue of safety in Germany, particularly for women and men who increasingly feel unsafe on the streets due to government policies allowing jihadis like the Mannheim attacker to enter the country.

The spokesperson detailed the swift response of the Junge Alternative, who organized the memorial to take place within days of the Islamic terror attack. Despite their peaceful intentions, they were met with brutal opposition. “Ten masked Antifa thugs came screaming, with cudgels and attacked us, hit us. They robbed me of my cell phone,” recounted one of the participants.

Michael Stürzenberger, who the terrorist tried to kill and is a vocal critic of Islam, has remained hospitalized, though his condition is improving. (See interview with Stürzenberger here) The police officer, identified as Ruven L., who bravely intervened during the attack, was declared brain-dead and was kept alive only by a heart-lung machine for organ donation.

A poignant reflection from a participant with a migration background shed light on the broader implications of such attacks. “This whole attack itself is hell on earth for us foreigners, too,” he said, criticizing the lack of integration and the dangerous elements that have entered Germany under the guise of seeking refuge. He lamented the poor training of the police and called for a clearer separation of politics and religion, drawing parallels to theocratic Islamic regimes like Iran.

The memorial in Mannheim highlights a disturbing pattern of violence against Germany’s only conservative party, the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), and Islam critics in Germany. As the nation continues to grapple with issues of Islamic immigration and security, it is imperative to address the root causes of such violence – Islam.

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