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Coptic Bishop Warns Germany Islamic Immigration Will Make You a Minority in Your Homeland Video

Coptic Christian Bishop Damian of the Höxter-Brenkenhausen Diocese explains to Germans that Egypt was once a Christian country. Coptic Christians were the majority of the population by a large margin before Islam conquered and took over the nation.

“Copts were once the rulers of Egypt; today, we’re struggling just to survive. If you ignore what’s going on in Europe, you’ll become a minority in your homeland too.”

History shows the bishop is correct, with numerous examples. The only two nations that have ever managed to recover their pre-Islamic culture and leadership are Spain and Israel.

Afghanistan itself was Buddhist, as one might realize from the famous destruction of the 100-foot-tall Buddha statues carved into the sides of mountains, which the Taliban obliterated with modern explosives.

A Coptic bishop in Germany delivers a powerful speech about uncontrolled Muslim immigration. Wow!“Copts were once the rulers of Egypt, today we’re struggling to just survive. If you ignore what’s going on in Europe, you’ll become a minority in your homeland too.”

Listen to him…

— Dr. Maalouf ‏ (@realMaalouf) June 11, 2024

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