The open borders policy poses enormous security risks for women. Between 2015 and 2022, 8,590 cases of rape and sexual assault by immigrants were reported in Germany. This information is evident from official police figures obtained by German media. In some cases, it also involved gang rape.
Migrant violence is an increasing problem in Germany. Police figures have shown for years that immigrants commit disproportionate amounts of theft, rape, killings, and violence. This concerns people who came to Germany through the asylum system. Therefore, it may involve asylum seekers, status holders, and residents in Germany.
Over the years, thousands of German women have also become victims of rape by migrants. The precise number is uncertain, but special documents obtained by Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) show that more than 1,000 women have been victims of sexual abuse by immigrants every year since 2017.
That is why NZZ assumes that at least 7,000 German women have been raped since 2015. However, there is a good chance that the actual number is much higher. Experts believe that only 20 percent of all sexual offenses are reported. Criminologist Christian Pfeiffer even tells Tageschau that 85 percent of women do not report it. This is especially true when the rape took place in their own homes, within their families, or in relationships.
Explosive Growth in Crime Rates
Immigrants are overrepresented in rape figures. According to German crime statistics, 37 percent of sex suspects in 2022 did not have a German passport, while barely 2.5 percent of the German population consists of immigrants. However, immigrants are also enormously overrepresented in murder and manslaughter cases, reports NZZ.
A city or state that takes in many asylum seekers will see its crime figures increase explosively within a few years. For example, this is the case in Hamburg, where the number of crimes increased by 40 percent in 2023 compared to the previous year. In Rhineland-Palatinate, this increase is even higher at 78 percent compared to 2021. In another state, police figures indicate eight reports of individual rapes per day last year.
There are now two gang rapes per day throughout Germany, with immigrants being overrepresented in these cases. “What have you unleashed on our people? You bear responsibility for the decline in internal security,” AfD chairman Alice Weidel recently said in the German parliament.
Cultural Factors Play a Role
Migration expert Ruud Koopmans believes that this overrepresentation also has cultural causes. In his book “The Asylum Lottery” (2023), he points out the patriarchal views in the countries of origin. Women are seen as fundamentally inferior in these countries. This is especially true in Islamic countries such as Afghanistan, Iran, and Syria, from which relatively many immigrants come.
In his book, Koopmans makes a striking observation. The more gender inequality the country of origin has, the more rapes immigrants from these countries commit. He notes that a Syrian migrant is three times more likely to be suspected of sexual offenses than overall crimes. The same applies to migrants from Afghanistan and Pakistan, two countries with enormous gender inequality.
Call for Stricter Migration Policy
More and more German politicians are now calling for a stricter migration policy. This is especially true for Germany’s two most popular parties, CDU/CSU and AfD (Alternative for Germany). Both parties want to close the borders, and this is well-received by German voters. They are currently in first and second place in the polls, far ahead of the current government parties of green and social democratic stripes.
CDU parliamentarian Christoph de Vries also sees a clear link between mass immigration and the high rape figures. He wants the protection of German women to be prioritized over the protection of sexual predators and other criminals, as he tells NZZ.
Source: Neue Zürcher Zeitung
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