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Eurabia on the Horizon Islamization Will Be Complete in 50 70 Years Warns French Intelligence Veteran Video

“Religious Islamic demands are multiplying, and we yield to these demands every day, every week, every month, every year, gradually giving up ground. This process of gradual capitulation is not a conspiracy, but rather an Islamic project attributed to the Muslim Brotherhood.”

Former DGSE (General Directorate for External Security) agent Pierre Martinet, who served in a specialized French intelligence agency, delivered a chilling warning about the impending Islamic threat to Europe in an interview on the Les Bâtisseurs podcast.

Martinet, a veteran of the 3rd Marine Infantry Parachute Regiment (3e RPIMa), foresees a terrifying future where Europe faces complete Islamization within the next 50-70 years. The portion of the interview presented below unravels the profound ideological threat posed by Islam, particularly the role of the Muslim Brotherhood, in the unsettling transformation of Europe. Watch the video, which has been translated into English by RAIR Foundation USA, to gain a deep understanding of this alarming prediction and the urgent threat it raises.


The Ideological Threat of Islamization

In his interview, Pierre Martinet emphasizes that the Islamic threat facing Europe extends beyond violent actions, such as terrorist attacks and the activities of armed Islamic groups like Al-Qaeda. While these actions are undoubtedly concerning, Martinet argues that they represent only the tip of the iceberg.

According to Martinet, the most significant and effective aspect of this threat is the ideological component. He contends that the religious demands of daily life, driven by Islamic ideologies, are slowly eroding the foundations of European societies. In his view, this ideological force is more potent than violence or external funding.

Martinet points out that this ideological challenge is particularly formidable because it targets the secular values that underpin European societies. While France has a strong tradition of secularism (laïcité), other European countries lack similar mechanisms to address this ideological encroachment effectively.

He warns that the Muslim Brotherhood’s project to Islamize Europe is already well underway, and this transformation is a long-term endeavor. While Martinet acknowledges that he may not live to see the full extent of this transformation, he believes it will manifest within the next 50 to 70 years.

In pursuit of its goals, the Muslim Brotherhood staunchly advocates for the establishment of Islamic hegemony over all aspects of life. Central to their mission is the vision of establishing an Islamic caliphate that initially encompasses the entire Muslim world and eventually extends globally. Their ambitious agenda also includes the dismantling of non-Islamic governments wherever they exist, with the aim of making Islamic Law (Shari’a) the sole foundation of jurisprudence worldwide. This unwavering commitment to their cause is epitomized in the Brotherhood’s militant credo, which emphasizes that their objective is guided by Allah, their constitution is the Koran, their leader is the Prophet, their path is one of struggle (jihad), and their highest aspiration is to sacrifice for the sake of Allah.

France at a Crossroads

Following Pierre Martinet’s interview, CNEWS engaged in a thought-provoking conversation with author and political journalist Mathieu Bock-Côté. The discussion revolved around the question of whether France could potentially face total Islamization within the next 50 to 70 years. While some view this prediction as apocalyptic, others consider it a real and pressing concern.


The conversation raised profound questions about the future of France, particularly concerning its religious and cultural landscape. Bock-Côté’s insights delve into the potential political and social repercussions of such significant changes. He emphasizes that the Islamic religious and ideological demands of everyday life, rather than just Islamic terrorism or external Muslim funding, pose the most significant threat.

Bock-Côté further points out that the issue extends beyond demographic shifts, emphasizing the role of massive Islamic immigration, the shifting of territories, and the impact on social-demographic balances. He argues that the current phase involves institutions of the state turning against those who resist these changes, creating an environment where a demographic shift is forced upon the population.

The ongoing debate in France is illustrative of the long-term consequences of Islam and Islamic migration in Europe. It raises critical questions about the preservation of national identity, the future of multiculturalism, and the role of public authorities in shaping the country’s destiny, often against the will or understanding of the populace.

As Europe grapples with the impending Islamic threat, it faces a delicate balancing act between maintaining its values, addressing Islamic security threats, and adapting to a changing Islamic cultural landscape.

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