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Onslaught of Violence Germanys Escalating Migration and Brutal Youth Crime Surge

Germany is grappling with a concerning trend of escalating crime rates, with a significant portion attributed to non-German suspects, particularly among migrant populations. The recent killing of a 17-year-old Ukrainian basketball player by a 15-year-old suspect with Turkish roots in Oberhausen is just one grim example of this disturbing trend. As the nation faces an influx of migrants, the demographics of serious offenders are shifting, with younger individuals becoming increasingly involved in violent and brutal crimes. These troubling developments underscore the urgent need to address the dangers associated with uncontrolled migration and its impact on public safety in Germany.

The Crime Statistics Speak Volumes

According to police crime statistics, in 2022, there were 39,687 non-German suspects aged 14 to 18 years – an increase of 40.5 percent compared to the previous year. Looking at the numbers of the next generation does not predict a safe future: There was an increase of 55.2 percent with 22,016 non-German suspects aged 0 to 14 years. Based on these numbers, it can be assumed that similar cases like the killing of the Ukrainian will become more frequent. The crime statistics numbers refer to “total crimes excluding violations of foreigner law.” This means crimes such as illegal entry are not included.

In comparison, the general average: Among suspects with German nationality, offenses increased by 4.6 percent, from 1,309,915 to 1,309,115 suspects. For suspects without German nationality, the increase was significantly higher at 14.8 percent, from 533,483 to 646,192 suspects.

31.5 percent of all crimes were committed by only 15 percent of the population – by people who are considered non-German under German law. In 2022, the non-German share of violent crimes was 38.76 percent of all suspects, which is 19.2 percent more than the previous year.

The numbers for 2023 are expected to be published in April, a police spokesman told NIUS.

Crime Scene Gelsenkirchen

In the case of the murdered Ukrainian, the suspect comes from Gelsenkirchen. This city appears to be a hotspot for underage offenders. A notable example is the alleged attack on an elderly woman (86 years old at the time) in November 2023, who was accosted by a group of youths in a cemetery and kicked by a thirteen-year-old serious offender, as reported by the Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung and confirmed by the Essen public prosecutor’s office. Since the suspect is not yet of legal age to be held accountable, the proceedings are likely to be dropped.

Another drastic example of youth crime in Gelsenkirchen: A 14-year-old boy attempted to deliberately blind the pilot of a police helicopter with a laser pointer, as reported by Bild. This could have led to the crash of the helicopter. The pilot was able to locate the exact address and even the window of the perpetrator and had colleagues visit the already police-known teenager. A proceeding for dangerous interference with air traffic followed, and the laser pointer was confiscated.

It is noteworthy that about 40 percent of “unaccompanied minor refugees” give a false age upon entry, as reported by Focus. This was already confirmed in 2019 by forensic scientists from Münster on behalf of courts and youth welfare offices. It is, therefore, quite possible that many adult offenders are among the supposedly underage offenders.

Source: NiUS

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