Will U.S. authorities and the mainstream media be surprised again if a radical woman like this, exhibiting unmistakable signs of an Islamic threat, carries out an attack on our soil?
Just before the release of this article, it’s important to note that the author of the TikTiok account, //www.tiktok.com/@al_.m0slim">al_.m0slim, set it to restricted. This action comes in the wake of numerous troubling videos that have surfaced, raising alarm among Americans. The account, reportedly operated by a female Sharia-adherent Muslim migrant living in *America, amassed a following of 11,500 individuals before its restrictions were implemented.
In her video posted to TikTok, the purported migrant is seen promoting the Islamic State (ISIS) while proudly displaying Afghan flags and wielding a Yemeni Jambiya Arabic Dagger. One alarming video shows the jihadi holding up a series of recommended controversial Islamic books, including what appears to be a Qur’an decorated with the ISIS flag.
The flag of the Islamic State reads “la ilaha illa’llah, Muhammadun rasulu’llah“. The words mean: “There is no God but Allah; Muhammad is the prophet of God.” Those two phrases are known as the shahada, the bearing of witness. Shahada also means martyrdom. On the back of the book, Allah is written.
Muslims believe that their God (named in Arabic as Allah) is superior to all other gods because, to them, Islam is the greatest of all religions, and lastly, because Islam is destined to conquer the world either by conversion or through violence.
Consistently, she promotes to Islamic women and children (including whom she refers to as her child) that they should wear the highly controversial Burqa. Islamic expert Bill Warner has emphasized that in Western contexts, garments like the hijab and Burqa are not about modesty or fashion but are symbols of hate and adherence to Sharia. Warner’s analysis justifies concerns about individuals like the one behind the al_.m0slim account, who openly advocate for Sharia and the Islamic State, seemingly without facing repercussions.
In one of the videos, we see her young daughter dressed in a burqa with her, and the young child is giving the ISIS one-finger salute.
The Islamic State militants, known as ISIS, use a single, raised index finger as the symbol of their cause. It’s a well-known sign of power and victory around the world, but for ISIS, it has a more sinister meaning. When ISIS uses the gesture, it is affirming an ideology that demands the destruction of the West, as well as any form of pluralism. For potential recruits around the globe, it also shows their belief that they will dominate the world.
The apparent impunity with which such Muslim individuals operate and promote Islamic terrorist groups has sparked questions about the effectiveness of monitoring and deportation measures. The lack of awareness and intervention by law enforcement raises concerns about how many Muslim immigrants with similar viewpoints might be residing in the United States.
Many continue to question why we are welcoming Islamic migrants into Western countries who have no interest in integration and openly express hostility towards Western values. Will U.S. authorities and the mainstream media be surprised again if a radical woman like this, exhibiting unmistakable signs of an Islamic threat, carries out an attack on our soil?
*Editor’s Note: RAIR Foundation USA suspects that the woman featured in this account is operating in America because they have observed numerous videos on her account showing vehicles with U.S. license plates in the background.
News Link: https://rairfoundation.com/jihad-threat-islamic-migrants-brazen-isis-promotion-tiktok/