Italian news program “Fuori dal Coro” boldly uncovers the dark undercurrents of immigrant Muslim communities in Italy, revealing a landscape rife with radicalization, cultural tensions, and the rise of jihadi “child gangs,” shedding light on the alarming reality of no-go zones and the looming threat of Islamization.
In a recent broadcast, the Italian news program Fuori dal coro delved into the underbelly of immigrant Muslim communities in Italy, shedding light on concerns over radicalization and cultural tensions. Titled “Immigrants and Violence, The Muslims Who Hate Italy,” the program aired a detailed investigation into the dynamics surrounding illegal mosques and the rise of Islamic “child gangs” in major Italian cities.
The program took viewers on a journey through the streets of Milan, starting with Via Padova, home to one of the city’s illegal mosques. The report addressed the climate in Milan during the days when Ramadan began. There, reporters encountered Italian residents living in fear, with one anonymous resident recounting threats of death for merely observing the activities around the mosque. “I live upstairs. Look, they have already threatened me with death twice,” the resident revealed.
Inside the mosque, shocking sentiments were expressed by a Muslim affiliated with the Islamic community. ‘It is written in the Qur’an that we are going to kick the Jews out,’ he declared, espousing Islamic religious sentiments and scripture that raise concerns about Islam and its hostility towards non-Muslims. He further asserted Islam’s ambitions of conquering the world, stating, ‘The first place will be Italy,’ citing the country’s vulnerability due to dwindling church attendance. ‘Just look at the churches,’ he states, with ‘only a few elderly people, five here, five there.’ He compares the lack of Christians attending church to the overflowing mosques filled with Muslims
Just a hundred meters away from this site lies another place of worship, slated to be Milan’s first official mosque, which has already been shown to be Sharia-compliant. Construction is still underway, and the state prohibits entry until completion. Despite this, Muslims continue to utilize the mosque for prayer, disregarding the laws of safety and building codes. They’ve even gone as far as constructing a kitchen within the premises, demonstrating a blatant disregard for Italian law. As reporters leave the premises, the Muslim they interviewed refused any contact with women, explaining that as a good Muslim, he refrains from shaking hands with women, emphasizing their adherence to Sharia.
The chilling words of the Islamic migrant in Italy echo the prophetic vision of Libya’s former leader Muammar Gaddafi, who foresaw the conquest of Europe through mass Islamic migration. Gaddafi’s ominous prediction, made in a speech in 2006, envisioned a future where Europe would be transformed into a Muslim continent without the need for military conquest. With over 50 million Muslims already in Europe, Gaddafi saw signs of Islam’s inevitable victory, foreseeing the addition of Turkey to the European Union, further bolstering the Muslim population. As Gaddafi outlined, the incorporation of Albania and Bosnia, both Muslim-majority nations, into the EU would solidify Europe’s Islamic future.
The program also highlighted the prevalence of jihadi “child gangs” in areas heavily populated by second-generation Islamic immigrants. Outside Porta Garibaldi station, reporters encountered Islamic youths preparing for their holy month of Ramadan. To reporters, they expressed their lack of connection to Italy. “I don’t feel this is my country,” one individual lamented, expressing a sentiment shared by many others who feel disconnected from Italian society. “I was born here in Italy. I feel more like a Moroccan, and also, because of the people, I feel more comfortable in my Moroccan country. Even if we have double citizenship, we are still Moroccans.”
As the news crew ventured further into the area, they encountered a violent reality: the pervasive influence of youth gangs, symbolic of many no-go zones across Europe, created by Islamic migrants. “We move only a few meters and…look at this stairway. Here, the child gangs act like they are the boss, here,” they reported. Attempting to engage with the youth, they were met with intimidation and hostility. “We try to ask them a few questions. No, no. no! — I can’t speak to anyone. [People speaking in Arabic],” they recounted. Within moments, the crew found themselves surrounded by more than thirty boys, forbidden from asking questions, “Why are you staring at me like that? Do you want to steal something from me? That phone is beautiful,” the tension mounted. Faced with escalating threats, the crew left the area, due to the pervasive atmosphere of fear and intimidation within these areas.
Among the figures idolized by the Islamic youth is Italo-Moroccan rapper Baby Gang, known for his criminal activities, violent behavior, and threats. He has been arrested three times and is currently under house arrest for shooting a friend of his, robbery, altercation, bodily harm, and resisting authority. Despite his criminal record, he garners admiration from large segments of the immigrant Islamic and Arab community, reflecting a concerning trend of glorifying criminality and violence.
Moreover, the program revealed alarming instances of intimidation and threats directed toward journalists who sought to expose such issues. Baby Gang, in particular, faces charges of incitement to crime after allegedly orchestrating a campaign of harassment against a journalist who reported on his activities. Specifically, he targeted a journalist from the “Fuori dal Coro” program after she highlighted his illegal activities. The rapper doxxed the journalist, published her phone number, and invited his followers to target her. The woman was inundated with threats to her life, such as “People like you must be burned alive,” “You don’t know who you are messing with,” “I will come there to kill you, Shitty slut,” and “Shitty whore, die in a fire.” For this reason, Baby Gang will go on trial in April.
The broadcast served as a stark reminder of the threats posed by Islam and the radicalization within its community and religion. As the show highlights, Italy has imported Islamic migrants into their country who are “ready for jihad” and are literally prepared to die for their god, Allah. The chilling declaration of readiness for jihad underscores the severity of the situation.
The broadcast served as a stark reminder of the threats posed by Islam and the radicalization within their community and religion. As the show highlights, Italy, like many European countries, has imported Muslim migrants into their country who are “ready for jihad” and are literally ready to die for their god, Allah. I mean…. — Jihad!”
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